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Laci Burton

Major: english

Laci Burton

Laci is a member and forever fellow of the University Scholars Program. She also participated in a fellowship with the National Humanities Center, where she worked alongside a small group of students from around the country on humanities related issues. In addition, she completed an internship with Herstory in the spring. Laci is the event coordinator for Alpha Nu Zeta, the Stony Brook chapter of Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society. She also volunteers on the university’s Academic Judiciary Council. Over the summer Laci is working as an orientation leader with Stony Brook’s New Student and Training Programs. This fall she starts working at the writing center, as well as being an undergraduate teaching assistant for EGL 204. Laci is a recipient of the Thomas Rogers Award for the most outstanding paper written in an English course and an academic achievement award for having a 4.0 GPA multiple semesters in a row. Additionally, Laci was chosen as one of the featured Trustee Scholars at the 2023 Stars of Stony Brook Gala.