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Getting Started:
Take initiative! Reach out to research PIs via email to inquire about research opportunities.
Get involved indirectly! Join a lab/research group by working under a PhD candidate (graduate teaching assistants are good contacts to start with!) Also, get involved in Student Clubs or Activities, click here for the full list.
- Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (URECA)
- Off-Campus Opportunities (REUs, etc.)
- On-Campus Opportunities
- Scholarships
- Guiliano Fellowships
- Frances Velay Women and Science Research Fellowship
- Explorations in STEM
- Fulbright U.S. Student Program
- Brookhaven National Labratory Programs
- Simon STEM Scholars Program
- VIP Teams
- iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machines)
- INSPIRE (Include New Students through a Peer Introduction to Research Experience)
You can also find information on a variety of fellowships by clicking here.