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Proposal Forms and Instructions

  • Syllabus template
  • Stony Brook Curriculum course proposal form (use this form for ALL proposals for the SBC, including appeals, new courses, existing courses and multiple certifications of existing or new courses)

  • Arts and Sciences Senate new course proposal form (for constituents of the Arts and Sciences Senate)
  • College of Engineering and Applied Sciences proposal form
  • College of Business course proposal form course proposal form

  • For proposal forms and protocol for HSC programs, please contact the relevant Dean's office.

  • Proposal Instructions.  Deadline for all proposals is Sept 1, 2013.
    • New certifications for existing courses:  see instructions on the SBC proposal form

    • New courses to be offered in 2014-15:  see instructions on the SBC proposal form

    • Changes to the sample course sequences.  See instructions on the memo to Deans, chairs and Undergraduate Directors, May 14, 2013.

    • Multiple Certifications: see instructions for existing courses or new courses, above.  See also guidelines for double and triple certifications

    • Sample Course Sequences.  Each department should review and revise the sample course sequence as published in the undergraduate bulletin and propose changes by Sept 1 that will facilitate completion of all graduation requirements (including all Major requirements AND all SBC requirements) within 8 consecutive fall/spring semesters of full-time study.  Note that several of the SBC requirements can (and should) overlap with Major requirements.

    • Course clusters and themed paths.  Please contact Scott Sutherland for more information.

    • Appeals for disagreement of initial certification.  Please provide a brief Memo from the department chair (multiple appeals can be addressed in a single memo) with a brief rationale for each appeal.  Along with the memo, please attach a proposal for each appealed course based on the instructions for “new certifications for existing courses,” above and check the “appeal” box in question #2 on the form.
    • All departments that offered D.E.C. courses in the past will have received a department-specific list of courses that are either “CERTIFIED” or “PENDING” certification in the new Stony Brook Curriculum. Here’s what to do regarding the department-specific spreadsheet.

      Background: Throughout the Spring 2013 semester, the Certification Committee worked to assign one SBC category to each course that currently satisfies the D.E.C.  (The Certification Committee did not yet consider multiple certification.)  In most cases, the Certification Committee reached consensus, and "CERTIFIED" these courses, as indicated on the department-specific list. In some cases, the Committee could not reach a consensus, or had certain reservations about the assigning a “certified” category, and therefore indicated these as "PENDING" certification on the department-specific list.

      If a course is “CERTIFIED”, departments have the following options.

      (a)    Do nothing (for now). The single certified category as indicated on the spreadsheet will stand as such, and departments need not take additional actions regarding the Sept 1 deadline.   Note however, that the certification committee has not yet considered multiple certifications. If your department wants a course to satisfy more than one category, see (b).

      (b)   Propose a double or triple certification. See instructions for “new certifications for existing courses,” above. See also the guidelines for double and triple certifications.

      (c)    Appeal the certification. If the department disagrees with the code that was given by the certification committee, the department may appeal by proposing one or more different categories (rules for multiple certification applies). Please provide a brief Memo from the department chair (multiple appeals can be addressed in a single memo) with a brief rationale for each appeal. Along with the memo, please attach a proposal for each appealed course based on the instructions for “new certifications for existing courses,” above and check the “appeal” box in question #2 on the form.

      If a course is “PENDING”, …

      (a)    Departments should review the "pending" certifications among their curricula and provide additional information using the instructions for “new certifications for existing courses,” above and check the appropriate box in question #2 on the form. Departments may appeal and/or propose multiple certifications as described above for “certified” courses.

      (b)   If the department does not provide additional information on "pending" certifications, the pending certification will convert to a "final" certification, and departments will be obligated to deliver the learning outcomes and standards associated with the certified category. 

    • Course prerequisites.  In some instances, prerequisites for existing courses will need to be revised to accommodate the SBC.  For example, if a course prerequisites currently requires “completion of DEC B,” the prerequisite should be revised to require “completion of DEC B or [SBC code].”  Proposal for changes to course prerequisites should be submitted in the form of a memo from the department chair, and can include multiple courses per memo.  Please include a brief rationale for each course regarding the change as well as the CURRENT and PROPOSED state of the prerequisites.  Please include a syllabus in this format if the change is substantial.

    • Changes to existing courses (eg., to prerequisites or title, etc).  In some cases, the introduction of the SB Curriculum will require changes to other basic information for existing courses.  Similar to the changes for course prerequisites, please provide a memo from the department chair specifying the changes, and include the CURRENT and PROPOSED state of the item.  Include syllabus in this format if the proposed change is to the course content or curricular focus or sequence.
    • In all cases, please note: Syllabi for courses that satisfy the Stony Brook Curriculum MUST state all learning outcomes that are relevant and appropriate for the SBC in addition to any other learning outcomes that the course may have.

    • Experiential Learning. Proposals and details for experiential learning will be communicated soon.  Don’t worry about it for now.