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President’s Distinguished Travel Grants for Faculty in the Fine Arts, Humanities, and Lettered Social Sciences

To apply, please submit your contact information along with a 1-2 page proposal using the application form below. The proposal should include the following criteria:

  1. Describe and justify your attendance at this conference and whether you are delivering a paper.
  2. What is the significance of this paper in your ongoing research?
  3. What is the significance of the venue in which you are delivering the paper?
  4. What other funding possibilities have been tapped and/or received (department, university, research funding, UUP funding, etc.). Please be specific and describe what kind of funding you have or will have applied for during this application process.

Deadline for applications: Monday, April 7, 2025 

Awards will be announced in the beginning of Summer 2025.

This application process will cover travel from September 1, 2024 - August 31, 2025.


The guidance below can help applicants avoid some common errors and/or misunderstandings.  Given that the committee's practices vary from year to year (based on forming consensus among the committee members), please note that these are not official guidelines, however, the pattern has generally remained consistent.

  • Lecturers and research staff (such as library personnel) are eligible as well.

  • The application must include a moderately detailed budget. It has to make clear what you plan to spend the money on. Lack of clarity about how the money will be used is the most frequent reason for rejection and requests to revise-and-resubmit. The budget must indicate specific destinations/locations, approx. dates, and estimates for the specific carrier(s)/organizations.

  • You do not need to apply for the maximum award amount(s), and it may even be to your advantage to not do so.

Application Form

Criteria for distinguished funding:

The use of funds for junior faculty will take priority, but senior faculty will be considered should the conference travel be truly distinguished. The parameters for truly distinguished engagements include that which moves faculty members’ research forward in a significant way, or helps to establish them in a milieu they have not previously entered, for instance establishing a field of research at an international conference or in the conference associated with a different discipline (in or outside of the faculty member's field of study).

Please direct inquires about guidelines or proposal preparation to