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Franck Dalmas
MA in British Literature, University of Toulon-Var, 2001
MA in French Literature, Ohio University at Athens, 2002
Ph.D in French Literature, UNC at Chapel Hill, 2006
Associate Professor
2121 Humanities Building
- Research Interest
Research Interest
- Nineteenth-Century French Poetry and Fin-de-siècle Literature
- Nineteenth-Century Realist Novel
- Twentieth-Century French and European Vanguard Poetry
- Artistic Expression and Movement of Ideas in Twentieth-Century France
- Phenomenology and Literature
- Pierre Reverdy and the Arts
- Works of Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Michel Tournier
- Terrorism and Social Violence in Literature
- Jacques Prévert and Films
- Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
Fellowships, Grants and Awards
- 2012 - Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Individual Research Grant.
- 2011 - UUP Individual Development Award, Travel Fund.
- 2008 - Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Individual Research Grant.
- 2008 - Stony Brook Foundation, Travel Fund.
- Publications
I. Books
- Lectures phénoménologiques en littérature française (de Gustave Flaubert à Malika Mokeddem). Preface by Valentin-Yves Mudimbe. Modern French Identities 105. Bern-Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012. Pp. xx + 233. Reviews: Actu-Philosophia, 24 May 2013; French Studies 68.4, October 2014; Ponti/Ponts 14, April 2015.
- Bibliographie de la critique sur Pierre Reverdy, 1916–2017. Munich: Lincom-Europa, 2018.
II. Articles & Book Chapters
- "Ludwig Wittgenstein et Albert Camus: du ‘jeu de langage’ à la ‘création corrigée’." Forthcoming in Neophilologus, 2025.
- “‘Vies’ des Temps Modernes: documents bruts ou existentiels?” Forthcoming in Studi Francesi, 2025.
- “Pharmacologies et l’Absurde en temps d’épidémies. La rhinocérite de Ionesco et le Covid-19.” In: De la peste au Covid. Imaginaire épidémique et poétique de la contagion. Eds. Kamel Feki and Moez Lahmédi. Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2024. 253–73.
- "Pixéliser la vie dans Les Années d’Annie Ernaux: une sociographie au prisme des images." Irish Journal of French Studies 23 (2023-24): 90-111.
- "Anatomy of a Justified Sinner in Sartre's L'Enfance d'un chef through the Object-Relations Psychology." Orbis Litterarum 78.2 (2023): 73-88.
- "Errance existentielle, mémoire du corps et langage primordial dans N’zid de Malika Mokeddem.” Quêtes littéraires 12, Université catholique de Lublin (2022): 161-72.
- "Archéologie de la biographie chez Jean-Paul Sartre." Australian Journal of French Studies 59.3 (2022): 322-37.
“A Sociological View on Sartre’s Érostrate and Deviance.” Orbis Litterarum 75.2 (2020): 86–101.
- “Érostrate de Jean-Paul Sartre: de la contingence existentielle à la violence démentielle.” French Review 92.2 (2018): 26–41.
- “Un inédit de Pierre Reverdy sur la critique d’art: Préexcellence de la poésie.” Studi Francesi 186 (2018): 455–69.
- “Le Renégat d’Albert Camus: de l’insignifiance au terrorisme.” French Studies 71.2 (2017): 212–27.
- “Jacques Prévert met en scène la crise de février 1934.” French Cultural Studies 27.4 (2016): 305–18.
- “Jules Supervielle 1884–1960.” Bibliographical entry. In: Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism Series 328. Detroit: Gale-Cengage, 2016. 322–24.
- “A Madame Bovary's Daughter: David Lean's Visual Transliteration of Flaubert.” Flaubert: revue critique et génétique (5 novembre 2014) [Online].
- “Pierre Reverdy et les musiciens.” Nottingham French Studies 52.3 (2013): 281–95.
- “Les Livres d’artistes de Reverdy avec Matisse, Picasso et Braque.” Cahiers Tristan Tzara 18–23 (2013): 714–23.
- “La mise en musique des poèmes de Pierre Reverdy et la musique d’ombre du poète.” In: Le Silence d’or des poètes surréalistes. Ed. Sébastien Arfouilloux. Château-Gontier: Éditions Aedam Musicae, 2013. 87–103.
- “Le (n)on de l’image poétique. Voix/voies plurielles de Pierre Reverdy.” In: Plurilinguisme et Avant-gardes. Eds. Franca Bruera and Barbara Meazzi. Comparatisme et Société 12. Bruxelles: PIE-Peter Lang, 2011. 79–91.
- “Cœur, Temps, and Monde in Le Forçat innocent of Supervielle: A Poet’s Existential Metaphors of Prison and Shelter.” Studies in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature 33.1 (2009): 118–40.
- “Lived Images/Imaged Existences: A Phenomenology of Image Creation in the Works of Michel Tournier and Photography.” In: Existence, Historical Fabulation, Destiny. Ed. Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Analecta Husserliana 99. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009. 93–106.
- “Emma Bovary: ni (mi-)ange, ni (mi-)démon? Plaidoyer pour une phénoménologie de l’existence.” Francofonia 54 (2008): 65–85.
- “L’alchimie de l’excrément comme alchimie de l’Homme dans Le Roi des Aulnes de Michel Tournier.” French Forum 30.3 (2005): 91–109.
- “Les multiples visages de la guerre dans La Nuit de la lézarde de Malika Mokeddem.” Romance Notes 45.1 (2004): 11–22.
- “Les Chants du Signe: Transformations du langage chez Lautréamont et Mallarmé.” Dalhousie French Studies 67 (2004): 49–61.
III. Book Reviews
- French Review (2011– )
- L'Esprit Créateur (2011– )
- Courses
Courses Taught at Stony Brook
- FRN 111, FRN 112: Elementary French I and II
- FRN 211: Intermediate French I
- FRN 311 (Conversation), FRN 312 (Composition), FRN 313 (Vocabulary & Culture)
- FRN 395, FRN 396: Introductory French Literature I and II
- FRN 412/507: French Stylistics
- FRN 441/502: French Civilization through the Ages
- FRN 434/542: “The Revolutionary Laboratory of Salons in the Age of Enlightenment”
- FRN 435/552: “The Accursed Poets: A Modern Lesson of Malediction”
- FRN 436/561: “Jacques Prévert: From Words to Birds, a Lifetime Militant Poetry & Cinema”
- FRN 435/552: “Three Myths of Women in the 19th-Century French Realist Novel”
- FRN 436/561: “In the Age of Image Reproduction: 20th-Century Fiction & Photography”
- FRN 438/564: "Conflicts and Affinities within the Francophone Mediterranean"
- FRN 447, FRN 581: Individual Readings (UG) and Independent Studies (Grad)
- HUF 216: French Civilization
- HUF 219: Modern France
Department of Languages and Cultural StudiesHumanities 2128Stony Brook UniversityStony Brook, NY 11794-5359
Phone: 631-632-7440Fax: 631-632-9612