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Jeffrey Segal

SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus

PhD, Michigan State University, 1983
2011-2012 Guggenheim Award Winner
2012 Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Google Scholar Page

Curriculum Vitae


  • Biography


    Jeffrey Segal is a SUNY Distinguished Professor Emeritus and the former Chair of the Political Science Department at Stony Brook University. Additionally, he was also a former Visiting Professor of American Politics at Harvard University and Visiting Senior Research Scholar to the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics at Princeton University. He is the 2011-2012 Guggenheim Award Winner and was Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences the same year.

  • Research


    Jeffrey Segal’s research focuses on American politics regarding civil rights and liberties, constitutional law, and judicial politics. Some of his previous work has consisted of researching the US Supreme Court’s historical responsiveness during times of war and conflict, measuring issue salience, and ideological values of the Supreme Court justices.

  • Recent Publications

    RECENT Publications - Articles

    The “Murder-Scene Exception” –Myth or Reality? Empirically Testing the Influence of Crime Severity in Federal Search-and-Seizure Cases 105 Virginia Law Review 543-594 (2019) with Avani Mehta Sood and Benjamin Woodson.

    Epstein, Lee, Andrew D. Martin, Kevin Quinn, & Jeffrey A. Segal. “Politics and the Legal System.” In Oxford Handbook of Public Choice Volume 2, ed. Roger Congleton, Bernard Grofman, and Stefan Voigt. Oxford University Press, 2019. 

    “All Relationships Dissipate: Except This: The Attitude-Behavior Link on the Roberts Court.” 54 Wash. U. Journal of Law and Policy. 181-193 (2019).

    RECENT Publications - Books

    Gateways to Democracy, 2019 (enhanced 4th ed.), Wadsworth Publishing (with John G. Geer, Richard Herrera and Wendy J. Schiller). 

    The Supreme Court Compendium, 6th ed., 2015, Congressional Quarterly Press (with Lee Epstein, Harold Spaeth, and Thomas Walker).

    Gateways to Democracy:Essentials, 2015 (3rd ed.), Wadsworth Publishing (with John G. Geer, Wendy J. Schiller, Richard Herrera and Dana K. Glencross).

  • Teaching


    POL 102: Introduction to American Government
    POL 105: Honors American Politics
    POL 320: Constitutional Law
    POL 325: Civil Liberties 
    POL 434: Supreme Court Decision Making
    POL 614: American Judiciary
    POL 670: Behavioral Law and Economy
  • News
