Registration Requirements
Students failing to register before the first day of classes or before late registration begins may still register during the first 15 days of the semester, but will be charged a late fee.
Students are responsible for the oversight of their enrollment, whether self-enrolled or block-enrolled as a member of an off-campus cohort. Programs or individual faculty members do not have authority to waive these rules.
Course and Credit Enrollment
All students must have prior permission from their department/program to take any courses outside of their primary degree plan.
Graduate Non-Matriculated Students
Graduate Non-Matriculated students may be eligible to enroll in up to 18 credits per term depending on the level of the courses. Requests to enroll in credits in excess of 12 credits per term must be submitted in writing to SPD@stonybrook.edu for consideration.
Course Changes
The add/drop period to have no "W" recorded begins on the first day of classes and ends at the close of business (4PM) on the tenth business day of classes of the fall, spring, or off-campus cohort semester, the fifth business day of classes of six-week summer sessions, or the first day of classes of three-week winter sessions.
For SPD online students, the add/drop period to have no "W" recorded begins on the first day of classes and ends at the close of business (4PM) on the tenth business day of classes of the fall or spring semester. However, SPD online students have access in SOLAR to withdraw from individual courses through the fifteenth day of classes (4PM).
When a student withdraws from a class or the semester after the posted academic calendar deadline date, tuition is charged based on the Tuition Liability schedule found on the Registrar’s graduate academic calendar. This information is available on the Registrar’s website. Tuition liability starts after the seventh day of the semester counting Saturday and Sunday.
At the end of the add/drop period, from days 11 to 15, students may swap courses by petition through SPD. A "W" and tuition liability will not be incurred only if an even number of credits are added and dropped in a single transaction (i.e., a swap of 12 credits for 12 credits). NOTE: This is not for SPD online students.
After the registration deadlines pass, all registration related matters require a "Retroactive Add, Drop, or Registration" form to be submitted and approved by SPD.
Graduate Students Registering for Undergraduate Classes
Graduate students may take undergraduate courses with the approval of their adviser and Graduate Program Director and the approval of the appropriate undergraduate faculty and Director of Undergraduate Studies. Undergraduate courses do not count towards a graduate student’s full-time status and are not counted for credit. Undergraduate credits cannot be used towards graduate degree requirements for any graduate-level program.
All matriculated graduate students are responsible for undergraduate tuition costs. Undergraduate coursework does not count towards full-time enrollment for graduate students and may affect a student’s financial aid.
Additional requirements may apply for international students. Undergraduate coursework does not count towards full-time enrollment for international graduate students. All international graduate students should contact Visa and Immigration Services before enrolling in an undergraduate course.
Undergraduate Students Registering for Graduate Classes
Upon request of the Graduate Program Director and/or the approval of the instructor of a graduate course, the School of Professional Development may authorize the admission of undergraduates of exceptional ability to graduate courses. Graduate courses taken while an undergraduate remain part of the undergraduate record except for students in approved accelerated, five-year bachelor’s/master’s programs, or students who have already been accepted for future graduate study at Stony Brook University.
Undergraduate students who have been admitted to the School of Professional Development at Stony Brook may apply a maximum of six credits toward the graduate degree for courses taken with advance approval and future offer of admission to SPD. These credits may not be applied to the undergraduate degree.
Courses numbered 500 and above cannot be used to satisfy distribution or proficiency requirements for undergraduates. See Permission for Undergraduate Students to Enroll in Graduate Courses if you are not in an accelerated, five-year bachelor’s/master’s. See Permission for Undergraduate Students in an Accelerated or Combined Degree Program to Enroll in Graduate Courses if you are in an accelerated, five-year bachelor’s/master’s program. Requests must be processed by the fifth day of classes for the semester of enrollment.