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Foreign Language K-6 Certification Extension

Expand Your Teaching Certification This Summer!

If you are currently certified in New York State to teach a foreign language at the secondary level, you can extend your certification to include grades K–6 by taking one graduate course.  Current SBU students in teacher prep programs are also welcome to expand their certification – and job prospects – by taking this extension course before graduating.

Course Description

CEF 501 Instruction of Foreign Language at Elementary Level (3 credits)
The focus of the course is applying theories of second language learning to instruction at the elementary school level, understanding of developmental issues for teaching young children, and designing effective curriculum, and engaging in effective instructional practice and assessment appropriate for world languages at the elementary school level. This course enables certified secondary teachers of foreign languages, 7-12 to extend their certification to include the instruction of foreign languages at grades 1-6.

 "This is a course that I have recommended to all my friends because it opens your eyes to new and simple – but meaningful – activities that an educator can apply to each lesson. I learned to give my lessons a meaningful purpose. The professor gave us techniques and methods to plan lessons that students can relate to so they leave each day with a full understanding and motivation to continue learning." – Danae Paniagua 


  • This synchronous and asynchronous online course is offered in the Summer 2025 Session 2 (July 7 - August 16). The deadline to enroll is June 20, 2025.
  • Students are required to participate in 5 days of synchronous classes: July 7, 8, 9 and 10 (8:30 am - 3:30 pm) and July 11 (8:30 am - 12:30 pm). 
  • Asynchronous assignments are due by the end of Summer Session 2 (August 16, 2025).
  • Consult the instructor for additional information.



The course is open to all foreign language teachers who are certified to teach at the secondary level as well as current Stony Brook students who are matriculated in foreign language education programs.

Certified Foreign Language Teachers
  • Apply as a non-matriculated student through the The Graduate School.
  • Register for CEF 501 no later than June 20, 2025. (Watch a video that shows how.)
  • Note the tuition information contained on the Summer Sessions website that relates to your residency status.
  • Set up your SBU email account (here's how) and check it for course information.
  • Complete the course and apply for the extension through Individual Transcript Evaluation. 
Current Stony Brook BA/MAT and MAT Students  
  • Register for CEF 501 as you would any other SBU Summer Session course (no permission needed). Register by June 20, 2025.
  • Check your email for course information.
  • Complete the course. The University will recommend you for certification upon degree completion.


For More Information