The Two-Way Bridge Between Research & Practice is a collaborative initiative between
the American Psychological Association Division 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology)
and Division 29 (Psychotherapy) For more on closing the gap between research and practice,
visit www.sepiweb.org and click on "Basic Research Findings for the Practicing Clinician” under the Journal tab.
Survey Results
The complete findings of the initial surveys have been published in a special section of the journal Behavior Therapy,together with an introductory overview written by the Steering Committee that has spearheaded this initiative, and a commentary by Dianne Chambless and Tom Ollendick.
Surveys in Progress
The Two-Way Bridge surveys that have been published thus far have focused on panic disorder, social anxiety, general anxiety disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The next survey, which is currently under editorial review, deals with PTSD.