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Arts and Sciences Faculty Affairs

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Name and Contact Information



Surita Bhatia, wearing a black professional top and smiling

Surita Bhatia
(631) 632-7788 

Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Community

Focuses on faculty recruitment, mentoring, development, and promotion, working with departments to build the strongest possible support networks for faculty at all levels.

Lois Carter, with long curly brown hair and a floral top, smiling

Lois Carter
(631) 632-9504

Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Personnel

Lois controls the day-to-day management of all CAS faculty and staff affairs, to include directing and managing the college-wide administration of personnel issues for faculty, professional, classified and Research Foundation employees.

Danielle Papaspyrou, wearing a patterned pink collared shirt

Danielle Papaspyrou
(631) 632-6967

Senior Administrator for Staff and Faculty Affairs

Responsibilities include CAS faculty and staff affairs; managing professional staff recruitment, administration of performance programs and annual evaluations, and professional appointments.


Hilary Noren
(631) 632-6965

Staff Assistant for Faculty and Staff Affairs

Responsibilities include supporting CAS faculty and staff affairs; managing faculty and staff  reappointments, administration of performance programs, assisting with review of academic personnel  files and personnel actions of academic faculty including: leaves, research assignments, and reductions in FTE.