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Women in STEM Leadership Program Sponsors

Sponsorship Opportunities

Improving the experience and representation of women in STEM careers is driven by not only the faculty and speakers of the Women in STEM Leadership program, but also by the collaboration and financial support of the business community that help make the program a success.

As a valued member of the program's Advisory Board helping to underwrite this important initiative, you will support women in STEM fields and strengthen the STEM field as a whole by:

  • Playing a key role in the development and progress of the Women in STEM Leadership Program initiative
  • Providing input into the program's development and agenda to address both your company's specific needs and the gaps in the STEM world
  • Become a valued participant in the national conversation as it relates to women's development in STEM

Please review the following sponsorship options.

Event Sponsor - $20,000

Sponsorship package includes a seat in a one- or two-day on-site Center for Continuing Education at Stony Brook University (CCE) Corporate Training Program, a seat in a CCE Project Management Certificate class, participation in a CCE open enrollment class, and a seat in a CCE Executive Breakfast Program Series. Sponsor logo will be included in a Long Island Business News advertisement (18,750 readers), on CCE’s website, on CCE’s social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and all marketing and promotional materials (8,000 corporate contacts) for the Women in STEM Leadership program.

Executive - $10,000

Sponsorship package includes a seat in a CCE Project Management Certificate class, participation in a CCE open enrollment class, and a seat in a CCE Executive Breakfast Program Series. Sponsor logo will be included in a Long Island Business News advertisement (18,750 readers), on CCE’s website, on CCE’s social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and all marketing and promotional materials (8,000 corporate contacts) for the Women in STEM Leadership program.

Partner - $5,000

Sponsorship package includes participation in a CCE open enrollment class and a seat in a CCE Executive Breakfast Program Series. Sponsor logo will be included in a Long Island Business News advertisement (18,750 readers), on CCE’s website, on CCE’s social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and all marketing and promotional materials (8,000 corporate contacts) for the Women in STEM Leadership program.

Supporter - $2,500

Sponsorship package includes a seat in a CCE Executive Breakfast Program Series. Sponsor logo will be included on CCE’s website, on CCE’s social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and all marketing and promotional materials (8,000 corporate contacts) for the Women in STEM Leadership program.

Friend - $1,000

Sponsorship package includes sponsor logo on CCE's website, on CCE’s social media outlets (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and all marketing and promotional materials (8,000 corporate contacts) for the Women in STEM
Leadership program.

Women in STEM LeadershipFor parity. For unity. For community.


Women in STEM Leadership program

Spring 2021


"Great mix of women - loved getting to know them."

Christie Nelson
Brookhaven National Laboratory

"We need more people talking about career myths - and how to overcome a society that values those rather than creativity."

Camila Dos Santos
Assistant Professor
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

"This has been life changing. I wish my students and colleagues could take this course - I will advocate that they do."

Janet Nye
Assistant Professor
Stony Brook University