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Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives (DI3)

Stony Brook respects and values a broad range of backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences, and pledges a full commitment to its core values of inclusion, while advancing and upholding the highest standards of practice in diversity and equity (DEI).

Vision: To be the nation's premier leader and exemplar model for diversity, equity and inclusion in higher education, health care, research and the broader society.

Values: Leadership and Teamwork, Respect and Civility, Resource Stewardship, Access and Opportunity, Collaboration and Partnerships, and Social Justice and Advocacy

Mission: The University has a five-part mission:

  • to provide comprehensive undergraduate, graduate, and professional education of the highest quality;
  • to carry out research and intellectual endeavors of the highest international standards that advance knowledge and have immediate or long-range practical significance;
  • to provide leadership for economic growth, technology, and culture for neighboring communities and the wider geographic region;
  • to provide state-of-the-art innovative health care, while serving as a resource to a regional healthcare network and to the traditionally underserved;
  • to fulfill these objectives while celebrating diversity and positioning the University in the global community.

The Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives (DI3) has the responsibility for developing and sustaining programs, policies and initiatives that serve to create a welcoming environment for all students, staff, faculty, clinicians and administrators. DI3 sponsors and promotes initiatives, as well as, provides resources for addressing issues of equity and diversity in institutional structure, recruitment and retention, curriculum, community climate, and outreach and engagement.  

After undertaking a systemic analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (i.e., SWOT), in 2019-2020, the campus community identified four major pillars in outlined in a comprehensive Action Plan for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion:

  • Goal 1 – Improve the diversity of the Stony Brook Community through enhanced recruitment and retention 
  • Goal 2 – Expand educational, research, healthcare and other efforts to ensure that everyone has the ability to thrive as members of the campus community and as global citizens in a diverse society 
  • Goal 3 – Support the development of a campus climate that values diversity, equity and inclusion in a way that promotes the ability of members of the community to thrive and to achieve their individual and collective goals 
  • Goal 4 – Establish a culture of accountability and assessment around diversity and inclusion initiatives and policies