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Living World 

The Ecology and Evolution Department
at Stony Brook University Presents
Our 2024-2025 Lecture Series

Darwin Day
Monday, Feb 10, 2025, Wang Center, Lecture Hall 2
6:00 pm start time

Dr. Timothy Mousseau, University of South Carolina, More info here:

Title: "Evolution Across Mutagenic Landscapes: Adventure at Chernobyl, Fukushima, and Other Hot Places

 Head shot of Dr, Mousseau

Monday, March 3rd, 2025, Javits Center, Room TBA
6:00 pm start time

Dr. Gio McClenachan, SOMAS (Stony Brook University)

Title: TBA 

Monday, December 9th, 2024, Javits Center, Room 111
6:00 pm start time
(Map to Parking), (Walking Directions)
Assistant Prof. Peter Park, PHD, Farmindale State College

peter park

Title: Surf and Turf Community Science Meets In-Classroom Applications: How Urban Fish Surveys and Camplus Clay Caterpillars Make Science Accessible

Flyer + More Information: Click me!

Monday, November 18th, 2024, Javits Center, Room 111
6:00 pm start time
(Map to Parking), (Walking Directions)
Assoc. Prof. Jackier Colier, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences


Title : Know Your Tharustochytrids: Marine Microbes Behind Omega-3 Health Supplements, Quahog Losses, and New Ocean Viruses


Abstract: Compared to some better-known marine microbes like diatoms and dinoflangellates, thraustochytrids are usually little-noticed contributors to ocean food webs. This talk will explore how thraustochytrids grab attention when associated with outbeaks of marine diseases, as major biotech producers of essential fatty acids, and for haroring a new-to-science group of viruses in their genomes.

Monday, November 4th, 2024, Javits Center, Room 111
6:00 pm start time
(Map to Parking), (Walking Directions)
 Prof. Gordon Taylor, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (Lecture Video on YouTube)
Director of NAno-Raman Molecular Imaging Laboratory (NARMIL)

gordon taylor

Title : Exploring the Marine Microcosmos with Advanced Single-Cell Imaging Approaches

Abstract: This talk will introduce approaches being developed at SoMAS to interrogate conditions and activities of individual cells and viruses. I will introduce our primary analytical tools, Raman Microspectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy. Come find out what they’re all about {no previous experience necessary!} We will explore how these tools can be used to measure growth rates, micro-predator feeding rates, viral infection, and nutrient status of single cells as well as map biochemical distributions in 4 dimensions.

Monday, October 21st, 2024, Javits Center, Room 111
6:00 pm start time
(Map to Parking), (Walking Directions)
John L. Turner, Town of Brookhaven (Lecture Video on YouTube)


 john turner speaking

Title : Reconnecting Severed Threads


Monday, Sept 16th, 2024, Javits Center, Room 111

6:00 pm start time



Monday, Feb 12, 2024  Wang Center Theatre,
5:15 pm

Monday, Nov 13, 2023 Javits Center, Room 103,
5:30 pm

Dr. Douglas Futuyma | Ecology & Evolution Department

"How Birds Evolve"

Click on the picture to watch the video. (or on YouTube)
dr. futuyma

Monday, Oct 16th, 2023, Javits Center, Room 103,

Monday, September 11th, 2023 Student Activities Center, room 302, (see here for directions to Parking), (Walking directions from Parking to SAC)
Dr. Elizabeth Watson, Ecology & Evolution Department
 Lessons from Venice Lagoon on Addressing Coastal Climate Change Vulnerability

Headshot of Dr. Elizabeth Watson


2022-2023 Lecture Series

Monday, April 17th , 2023, 4pm, Wang Center Theater
Dr. Carl Safina, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences

What Animals Think and Feel

Carl Safina


FRIDAY FEBRUARY 10, 2023,7:30PM ESS 001

Behavior is a Motor and a Brake for Evolution

Martha Munoz


FRIDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2022,7:30PM ESS 001

Using hundreds of ancient genomes to understand the formation of Europe after the fall of the Roman EmpireEcological Complexity of Sponge-Microbe Interactions

Robert 2022


FRIDAY OCTOBER 21, 2022,7:30PM ESS 001

Ecological Complexity of Sponge-Microbe Interactions

Robert 2022

FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2022,7:30PM ESS 001

The reptile diversity of Australia: How are there so many species?

Pascal 2022
Ecology and Evolution Department Website Contact Us


Past Talks: 2020-2021 Lecture Series


OCTOBER 16 , 7:30 P.M. Professor Joe Warren, Oceanographer and Acoustics Expert,
"Whale Watching from the Beach: How are New York Whales Reacting to a Changing Environment ? "
Joe Warren

November 20, 7:30 P.M. SIR RUN RUN SHAW LECTURE - Dr, Stephen Pyne, Noted Environmental Historian and Expert on Wildfires, MacArthur Genius Fellow and Professor, Arizona State University,
"Welcome to the Pyrocene. How a Fire Creature Has Remade a Fire Planet"
Stephen Pyne


FEBRUARY 12, 7:30 P.M. DARWIN DAY LECTURE, Prof. Julia Clarke, Wilson Professor in Vertebrate Paleontology at the Jackson School of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Austin and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor.
Please registerhere.

Julia Clarke


April 23, Special Earth Day Lecture to be announced.

Our colleagues in the Science Open Nights Consortium have exciting lecture series in other areas of science and environment:

All events this year are expected to be virtual. In order to see them you will have to register through the Science Open Nights System. SEE LINK

Just in case we go live on campus, Campus map is here (ESS is in C5)