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Books and book chapters

J. Rastegar and H. Dhadwal, Energy Harvesting: low power autonomous devices and systems, SPIE Tutorial Series – to be published in Jan 2017

H.S.Dhadwal, JoAnn Radway, J. Aller, P. Kemp and J. Clements, “Development of a capillary waveguide biosensor analytical module for use with the MBARI Environmental Sample Processor, Springer Protocol Handbook Series, ed. Sonia Tiquia, New York (2012).

H.S. Dhadwal, “Capillary Waveguide Biosensor Platform,” in Series: Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Volume: Optical Guided-wave Chemical and Biosensors, Eds. Dr. Mohammed Zourob, Prof. Dr. Akhlesh Lakhtakia (2010) ISBN: 978-3-642-02826-4

B.Chu, J.Ford and H.S.Dhadwal, “Correlation function profile analysis of polydisperse macromolecular solutions and colloidal suspensions", in Methods of Enzymology ‑ vol. 117 (eds. Sydney P. Collowick and Nathen ). Kaplan, Academic Press, Orlando, pp. 256‑297 (1985)