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Restricted Party Overview

Campus Requirement: Restricted Party Screening 

SBU Export Control Policy requires the Campus Community to conduct Restricted Party Screenings.

All non-U.S. persons and all entities (foreign and domestic) must be screened for inclusion on any of the U.S. government's restricted party list prior to engaging in activities.

Campus Responsibility for Conducting Restricted Party Screening 

How to conduct a Restricted Party Screening

Who Can be a Restricted Party?

Anyone! Restricted parties are not limited to foreign persons and can include U.S. persons. Restricted parties are subject to change and are updated routinely. Restricted party designation is not based upon nationality but instead is based upon previous behavior or action.  

What is a Restricted Party?

A restricted party (or denied party as they are sometimes referred to) is an entity or individual that is placed on a denial list by the U.S. government or any other country’s government.  An export license from one, or more, of the federal agencies may be required if you plan on conducting any business or research with a restricted party, even if you are conducting Fundamental Research.   

There are over fifty lists issued by U.S. governmental agencies that restrict transactions with specific individuals, groups and entities which include the following:

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