Engineering Science Undergraduate Program
Q: I have a problem with HKLMNOP?
A:We are willing to help, but before you come to the Undergraduate Program Director (Professor Gary Halada) or the Department Administrator, (Chandrani Roy), please do the following:
- Bring your schedule
Know your error message!! - Problems we can help with:
Prereqs not met
Recitation time conflicts
All Sections or Recitations or Labs not showing in SOLAR
Closed classes: sometime space can be reserved, closures overridden
Standard as well as unusual course substitutions - Problems we cannot help with:
Overloads – see CEAS office
DECS – see CEAS office
Q: Who is the Undergraduate Program Director?
A: Professor Gary Halada. He is in room 308 in Old Engineering. If Professor Halada is not available, you can contact the department's Administrator, Chandrani Roy, Room 314, Old Engineering.
Q: How do I contact Prof. XYZ?
A: Check the email lists. All of the faculty have office hours. Check with the department for times and days. Some professors will make appointments. You can also stop by their offices to see if they have a free moment.
Q: Can the two design electives of a Specialization be changed?
A: If you think that you have a special case, then see the Undergraduate Program Director to discuss this.
Q: How do I write a CV or resume?
A: See Marion Mastauskus in Room 127, Old Engineering. Her office hourse are M, TU, TH 9-5. She can help you refine your CV and let you know what is worth including and what to leave out.
Q: What is the best why to schedule my classes?
A: Plan this out in advance, if not several semesters in advance. We pretty much know when the classes are being taught, up to 2 years in the future. If you need help planning your schedule, see Mrs. Roy.
Q: How do I prevent delays in graduation?
A: The biggest way is to watch out for the prerequisites, minimum-grade-requirements and to follow the sample course grid.
Q: Can a "P/NC" course be used for the graduation requirements of the ESG major.
A: No. If the course is a required course that needs a letter grade, then the P/NC option can not be used. You will need to retake the course to obtain a letter grade. Also, courses can not be transferred into the ESG major under the P/NC; i.e., CHE 131, 132 and 133 (which can be used to substitute for ESG 198). Again, you will need to retake these courses.
Q: Can I register for more than 17 credits?
A: Yes. The limit is raised to 19 credits a few days before classes begin. Students who have above a 3.0 gpa can register for up to 23 credits. For those students who have between a 2.5 and a 3.0 or for those students who want to register for more than 23 credits, they must 'petition to overload.' Petitions for overloads are handled by the CEAS office, Room 127 Old Engineering. A form needs to be filled out, and a committee meets to review your request, and you have one opportunity to appeal their decision. Students who have below a 2.5 gpa are not eligible for overloads above 19 credits.