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Physics and Astronomy | (631)-632-8244, Physics B-139
Research Group Website | Curriculum Vitae. (Last updated: 2024 Aug 29)

Marivi Fernandez-Serra is a Professor of Physics at Stony Brook University. She received her PhD in 2005 from the University of Cambridge. After this she worked as a postdoc at CECAM (Center for Atomic and Molecular Simulations) in Lyon, France. Her research is in the field of computational condensed matter physics. She develops and applies methods to study the atomic and electronic dynamics of complex materials. One of her main research areas is the study of fundamental properties of liquid water using quantum mechanical simulations. Currently, research efforts in her group are focused on developing new exchange and correlation functionals using machine learning, and on simulations of the electrochemical interface. She also works with high energy theorists developing methods to identify possible Dark Matter detection mechanisms using electronic structure methods. She was elected APS Fellow in 2021 and is the current elected secretary of the Division of Computational Physics of the APS.