ALMA MATER: Sandy Shore
Music by Peter Winkler; Lyrics by Winston ClarkStony Brook's Alma Mater, Sandy Shore, was adopted in 1985 after a composition contest. Dr. Peter Winkler, a professor in the Department of Music, in conjunction with lyricist Winston Clark, wrote the winning submission. Carol Marburger, wife of former University President John Marburger, is credited as the guiding spirit behind the song.
Sandy shore, meeting the Northern sea;
Ancient ground where newborn dreams arise;
Scarlet, gray, under azure skies;
The morning of a lifetime lies in Stony Brook! Raise a grateful cheer for Stony Brook!
Youthful joys, youthfull folly, too;
Ancient wisdom seen through youthful eyes;
Lifelong friends, bound by youthful ties;
The morning of a lifetime lies in Stony Brook! Raise a grateful cheer for Stony Brook!SPIRIT SONG: Cheer for Stony Brook!
Music by Peter Winkler and Justin R. Stolarik; Lyrics by Winston ClarkThe Spirit Song is an uptempo, fight song version of the Alma Mater, Sandy Shore, with the same lyrics.
FIGHT SONG: Let's Go Stony Brook!
Music by Perry Goldstein; Lyrics by Howard GimpleThe Fight Song was written by Perry Goldstein (Music Department Distinguished Professor of Composition) and Howard Gimpel in commemoration of the band's inaugural season in 2006. There are two performance versions of the Fight Song: played once while singing along, or sung the first time (with sousaphones and percussion playing) and then played the second time.
We're the Red-Hot Seawolves of SBU!
We never stop fighting until the battle's through!
Let's go Stony Brook! Let's go team!
Don't let go until you hear them scream!
Seawolves Rock! Seawolves Rule!
Let's go Stony Brook, the number one school!VICTORY SONG: Go! Fight! Win!
Music & Lyrics by John LeddyThe Victory Song is the band's unofficial fight song, written in 2006 by Founding Director and Director Emeritus, John Leddy.
Go! Fight! Win! Go! Fight! Win!
S-B-U! S-B-U!
S! B! U!These are the Songs of Stony Brook...
The Spirit of Stony Brook's traditional Pregame Show is the crown jewel of our Marching Band, and was created in Fall 2019 by current Director of Bands Dr. Justin Stolarik. The show is performed 20 minutes prior to kick-off of every home football game to hype up the Seawolves Nation.
Fanfare (new and original each year)
Go! Fight! Win! (Victory Song)
Cheer for Stony Brook! (Spirit Song)
Opposing School Fight Song
Wolfie Spell-Out
Rock & Roll #2 (The Hey Song)
America, the Beautiful
The Star-Spangled Banner (National Anthem)
Drum Chant
Let's Go Stony Brook! (Fight Song)During the Third Quarter of every home football game, since Fall 2021, the Sousaphone Section marches around the LaValle Stadium concourse, entertaining fans by performing the Sousa March. It consists of sousa-only versions of Beer Barrel Polka, Let's Go Stony Brook! (Fight Song), Go! Fight! Win! (Victory Song), and Cheer for Stony Brook! / Sandy Shore (Spirit Song / Alma Mater).
After a Seawolves Football victory, the Spirit of Stony Brook turns and wears their shakos backwards. This tradition began in the early 1900s among bands of the Big Ten, and has spread to many schools across the country. Wearing the shako backwards upon the conclusion of a winning game signifies reflecting on the day's victory, or "looking back on the win."
Many college bands across the country perform a post-game show to entertain fans as they exit the stadium. The Spirit of Stony Brook is no different, and performs a "Fifth" Quarter after every football game, win or lose. It's a celebration of the day and a final chance for the Band to perform together for the remaining fans. In true celebratory fashion, the Band welcomes fans to join in the fun from their seats. Immediately following the Fifth Quarter, the Band marches out of the stadium and heads to Dismissal.
Let's Go Stony Brook! (Fight Song)
Go! Fight! Win! (Victory Song)
Sandy Shore (Alma Mater)
Seawolves in Space
Any of: Build Me Up Buttercup, Hey Baby, Sweet Caroline, Swingtown, Tequila, Time Warp, YMCA, or others
Rock & Roll #2 (The Hey Song)
Cheer for Stony Brook! (Spirit Song)Since 2019, the Spirit of Stony Brook has concluded their final home halftime show of the football season with their signature Stony Brook Finale, a maestoso version of the Fight Song, Let's Go Stony Brook!, written by current Director of Bands Dr. Justin Stolarik. The Band marches into a Block STONY while Graduating Seniors march into a line, front and center. As the finale reaches its conclusion, the Band high steps towards the audience, performs a knee bow over a drum roll, and concludes with a fanfare inspired by the Alma Mater, Sandy Shore.
Immediately following, the Band performs the Fight Song, marching away while the Graduating Seniors sing and march forward towards the home sideline. On the last note of the Fight Song, the Graduating Seniors collectively jump across the home sideline and off the field, as their final act signifying the end of their time in the Spirit of Stony Brook Marching Band.The Band also performs the Stony Brook Finale as the conclusion of their Annual Varsity Band Spring Concert. These are the only two times per year the Stony Brook Finale is performed, specifically to recognize our Graduating Seniors' final Marching Band performance and final Varisty Band performance.
Upon conclusion of the Fifth Quarter, the band marches back to the Stony Brook Union and congregates in a private (but public) area between the Union and the Rec Center.
Football Game Days are very long for members of the Spirit of Stony Brook. The band rehearses five hours prior to kick-off, eats a meal together, gets dressed, re-warms with Visualizaton, does the Union Exit and 90-Minute March, performs at the Spirit Rally, marches into the stadium, performs Pregame, Halftime, and the Fifth Quarter, and finally marches back to the Stony Brook Union.
The DM/BC Team, Directors, and Band Staff assume their positions in front of the Band, while the members march into place. Dismissal commences with the eldest Clarinet Section member announcing the names of the Staff, Directors, Block Captain, and Drum Major, and the band recognizes each with a Skyrocket: BOOM! ... San-dy Shore [whistled]. The Team, Fans, and Band are also recognized. The Director offers a reflection of the week, of game day, and of the week ahead. The Drum Major offers their reflection, calls the band to Attention, leads the singing of Sandy Shore followed by chanting of The Key, and then dismisses the Band.Festivus is the Spirit of Stony Brook's mid-year celebration, concluding the Fall Semester, and consists of dinner, performances by Band Members, and member-voted superlative awards. It concludes with the singing of Sandy Shore, The Key, and Dismissal by the Drum Major.
Every April, the Band's final official performance is a Vegas-style variety show with rock concert lighting, which takes place on campus in Stony Brook Arena (formerly named Island Federal Arena). This two-hour show is the culmination of the year and a signature University-wide event exuding Stony Brook spirit and pride.
More information is available on our Varsity Band Spring Concert page.
Band Banquet is the Spirit of Stony Brook's end-of-year dinner and awards banquet every May, celebrating the year together. It concludes with the announcement of the next year's Leadership and DM/BC Team, the singing of Sandy Shore, The Key, and the Final Dismissal by the outgoing Drum Major.
Welcome & Introductions
Member Choice Awards (Most Spirited, Showmanship, Best Marcher, Best Musician)
Social Committee House MVPs and Winner
Guest Speaker (member voted)
Jerrold L. Stein Rising Star Award
Flagship Award
Ed Hahne Memorial Award
Chris Parks Leadership Award
Stephen Stakey Unsung Hero Award
Shirley Strum Kenny Founder's Award
John J. Leddy Director's Award
Shayna Stahl Flair Award
Most Improved Section
Section of the Year (SOTY)
Kappa Kappa Psi, Leadership, and Band Staff Recognition
Senior Reflection and Recognition
Year in Review
Singing of Sandy Shore
The Key
Final Dismissal