Info for Mentors
THANKS to all the faculty who support undergraduate research and creative activity.
Your past, present and future efforts are much appreciated!Faculty mentors are critical to the success of the URECA program. If you are willing
to supervise an undergraduate, and are looking for students, please contact the URECA
Office. We would be happy to post opportunities for supervised research and creative activity on our website with your permission,
and to remove the posting as soon as you choose. Just send Karen Kernan a brief description
of the available project, and what you would like the undergraduate to do. List any
special course or scheduling requirements, as well as any skills interested students
will need to have. If you are supervising students in independent work, please make
sure they are formally enrolled in the appropriate Supervised Research course (e.g.,
independent study/internship courses 273, 287, 444, 484-489) in your section. If
students are doing their work in connection with a fellowship, grant, work study or
for pay, and do not want to earn credit, then they should be encouraged to register
for zero credits. That way, their work gets recorded on their transcripts and your supervision of it
is documented. Please also make sure that your trainees complete the relevant modules
specified in RF guidelines for Responsible Conduct of Research.
Cartoon (left): Contributed by George Booth, The New Yorker, for 1999 URECA Celebration
Nominating students. Our Researchers of the Month are a great reflection of the work being done by faculty mentors in all departments
and disciplines! If you have stellar students to nominate for the URECA feature, please contact Karen