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Accelerated BE/MS: About the Program

Current BE/MS Students: Next Steps

The Accelerated BE/MS Program is designed for undergraduate students in Civil Engineering at Stony Brook University who are interested in beginning graduate-level coursework while completing their undergraduate degree.

Key Benefits

Faster Completion

Earn both BE and MS degrees in less time by double-counting up to 6 graduate credits.

Cost Savings

Save on tuition by remaining classified as an undergraduate while taking graduate courses.

Seamless Transition 

Move directly into the master's program with a simple form and Graduate School approval--no separate formal application required.

Career Advantage

An accelerated BE/MS pathway strengthens your qualifications for advanced roles in civil engineering.

Early Graduate Experience

Start graduate coursework while completing your undergraduate degree.

Greater Flexibility

Explore advanced civil engineering topics sooner, aligning studies with career or research goals.

environmental engineering and science lab

Celli Lab


  • Attend the BE/MS Information Session in early April.
  • Complete at least three upper-division CIV courses at SBU with a 3.25+ GPA.
  • Maintain a 3.0+ GPA by the end of senior year.
  • Obtain approval from the department chair and graduate program director.
Credit Requirements
  • Complete 105+ undergraduate credits, meeting all degree requirements.
  • Earn 30+ graduate credits for the master's degree.
  • Double count up to 6 graduate credits toward both degrees.
  • Undergraduate courses cannot fulfill graduate degree requirements.

Spend at least one year in full-time residency during the master's portion.

Program Structure

This is a sequential degree program--students remain undergraduates until all undergrad requirements are met.

Graduate Degree

Follow all Graduate Bulletin requirements for the MS degree.

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