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Fall 2024 Applications

Big Brothers Big Sisters Long Island College Mentoring Program | Due September 6th

Peace Corps Prep Program | Due September 22nd

Empire State Service Corps | Due October 13th

Fall 2024 Events

Community Service Day | August 24th, 9AM-2PM | Locations Vary

From Campus to Community: Explore Volunteer Opportunities | September 3rd, 2PM-3PM | SAC 303

Volunteer Fair | September 4th, 11:30AM-2PM | SAC Ballroom A

Peace Corps Prep Information Session | September 9th, 1PM-2PM | SAC 228

Pizza With Peace Corps | September 20th, 11:45AM-12:45PM | SAC 304

Courage, Hope, Strength: Breast Cancer Awareness Walk | October 9th, 1PM-2:30PM | Meet at SAC Plaza

Community Service Opportunities During Winter Break | November 6th, 1PM-2PM | SAC 228

Peace Corps Prep Information Session | November 13th, 1PM-2PM | SAC 228


Interested in collaborating with the CSLCS on an event? Nonprofit agencies, faculty, staff, and student organizations can contact CSLCS staff at