Put your food drive on our radar!
Is your club, campus organization, or faculty department interested in hosting a food drive for the Seawolves Pantry? Claim a given week of the year to run your food drive through our Adopt-A-Week program!
The Adopt-A-Week initiative helps us to strategically coordinate drives across campus to help us sustain inventory and community support efforts. Through this program, we are able to schedule and plan for food drives more consistently each month, providing us a more stable stream of donations during the academic year.
Within the 2023-2024 academic year alone, we successfully collaborated with over 50 organizations within our community to host food drives, resulting in the collection of over 12,000 pounds of food and other basic needs products essential to keeping our shelves stocked and our doors open.
Put your food drive on our radar by selecting a week of interest on our submission form.
If you have any questions about hosting a food drive, please email